
Oracle Financials Cloud – General Ledger Hierarchies

Oracle Financials Cloud – General Ledger Hierarchies   If your organization uses Hierarchy Structure (specially used by the banking firms) for chart of accounts mapping then most common issue often faced by the business/consultants that child values will start getting populated as parent ones in your OTBI/BIP reports which eventually creates chaos and improper analysis of data.   This issue occurs because hierarchies are defined after uploading the journals through FBDI or after entering the journals into your fusion application resulting in posted balances of child values will be considered as parent level journal balances and it causes reconciliation issues along with hierarchy data misinterpretation.   Below basic points must be taken care while working with Hierarches. 1)       You should create duplicate of hierarchies in order to reduce maintenance and while writing code for your report mention the condition to fetch only cu...

IExpense error : The specified approver is not a user of the application.

Problem statement:   While creating the iexpense report user faces a issue that "The specified approver is not a user of the application. Please enter another approver. or select one from the list of values. Diagnosis: select * from per_all_people_f where full_name = &SupervisorName; Take the person_id and apply as an input in the below query select * from fnd_user where empolyee_id = &person_id; The result of the query will be no data found Soultion: Create the oracle/FND user for the supervisor. Navigation:  System administrator --> Define user check the below query, if it gives result then the issue has been resolved. Now you can try to re-create the expense report and you will be able to create the expense report this time select * from fnd_user where empolyee_id = &person_id;

SQL query to get the string before '@' in an e-mail

select substr ('', 1, instr('', '@',1,1)-1) str_data from dual;

SQL query to get the list of employees from a table who have same first name

 select first_name, last_name, person_id from per_all_people_f     where first_name in ( select first_name from per_all_people_f group by first_name having count(first_name) >1)     order by first_name ;

Oracle Script to Copy Responsibilities of one user account to another user account

fnd_user_pkg.addresp is an Oracle Seeded API to add responsibilities to a user account. Please find below the pl/sql block using fnd_user_pkg.addresp API /*******************************************************************************  *PURPOSE: To copy responsibilities of one oracle user account to another oracle user account *  *AUTHOR: Oracle Apps Pie                                                *  *******************************************************************************/ -- -- DECLARE   --   resp_count NUMBER := 0;      CURSOR src_user_resp_details   IS      SELECT DISTINCT fa.application_short_name,       fr.responsibility_key                  ,       fsg.security_group_key,       furga.end...

While creating expense report facing the following error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : peerExceptioms list should only contain OAException elements.

Problem:  While creating expense report in Internet expense module facing the following error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : peerExceptions list should only contain OAException elements. Cause: "Default expense report" value is empty. Solution: "Default expense report" must have the appropiate value and it can be seen through HRMS responsibility. Navigation:  HRMS responsibility à People à Enter and Maintain and query the employees using employee’s full name à Assignment à  Purchase Order Information  There will be default expense account field SQL Query to get default expense account(Please enter the user name at the place of :P_USER_NAME) SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID, SEGMENT1||'-'||SEGMENT2||'-'||SEGMENT3||'-'||SEGMENT4||'-'||SEGMENT5||'-'||SEGMENT6||'-'||SEGMENT7  Default_Expense_Account FROM GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS WHERE CODE_COMBINATION_ID IN (SELECT DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID FROM PER_ALL_ASSIGNM...