
Showing posts with the label IExpense

IExpense error : The specified approver is not a user of the application.

Problem statement:   While creating the iexpense report user faces a issue that "The specified approver is not a user of the application. Please enter another approver. or select one from the list of values. Diagnosis: select * from per_all_people_f where full_name = &SupervisorName; Take the person_id and apply as an input in the below query select * from fnd_user where empolyee_id = &person_id; The result of the query will be no data found Soultion: Create the oracle/FND user for the supervisor. Navigation:  System administrator --> Define user check the below query, if it gives result then the issue has been resolved. Now you can try to re-create the expense report and you will be able to create the expense report this time select * from fnd_user where empolyee_id = &person_id;

While creating expense report facing the following error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : peerExceptioms list should only contain OAException elements.

Problem:  While creating expense report in Internet expense module facing the following error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : peerExceptions list should only contain OAException elements. Cause: "Default expense report" value is empty. Solution: "Default expense report" must have the appropiate value and it can be seen through HRMS responsibility. Navigation:  HRMS responsibility à People à Enter and Maintain and query the employees using employee’s full name à Assignment à  Purchase Order Information  There will be default expense account field SQL Query to get default expense account(Please enter the user name at the place of :P_USER_NAME) SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID, SEGMENT1||'-'||SEGMENT2||'-'||SEGMENT3||'-'||SEGMENT4||'-'||SEGMENT5||'-'||SEGMENT6||'-'||SEGMENT7  Default_Expense_Account FROM GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS WHERE CODE_COMBINATION_ID IN (SELECT DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID FROM PER_ALL_ASSIGNM...